

发布时间:2022-02-11     浏览量:






闻一多先生在失去自己心爱的幼女后,曾仿照美国女诗人蒂丝黛尔(Sara Teasdale)的诗Let It Be Forgotten 《忘掉它》写过一首诗,悼念幼年早殇的女儿,这次全球人民战“疫”情,好多人也失去了自己亲爱的家人,时至今日,很多感人而又悲伤的故事依旧在国内外上演。






I asked what after all is love in this world,

Why is it worth the promise of life and death?

说到诗歌的时候,英国诗人华兹华斯(W. Wordsworth)说:“Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling(诗乃激烈感情之自然发泄于外者也——吴宓 语): it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.” 是“静中回想前情”(吴宓 语)



Poetry is the expression of earnest thought; singing is the prolonged utterance of that expression; the notes accompany that utterance, and they are harmonized themselves by the standard tubes.

——《尚书舜典》Shangshu (The Book of Documents ) Canon of Shun

理雅各(James Legge)英译


忘掉她 Forget Her

闻一多 Wen Yiduo

忘掉她,像一朵忘掉的花,——Forget her, like some forgotten flower

那朝霞在花瓣上 Rosy dawn on petals,

那花心的一缕香—— Breath of fragrance at the heart----

忘掉她,像忘掉一朵花! Forget her, like some forgotten flower!

忘掉她,像一朵忘掉的花。 Forget her, like some forgotten flower

像春风里一出梦, Dream in a spring breeze,

像梦里的一声钟, Chime in a dream.

忘掉她,像忘掉一朵花! Forget her, like some forgotten flower!

忘掉她,像一朵忘掉的花。 Forget her, like some forgotten flower

听蟋蟀唱得多好, Hear how well the crickets sing,

看墓草长得多高; See how tall the graveside grass has grown;

忘掉她,像忘掉一朵花! Forget her, like some forgotten flower!

忘掉她,像一朵忘掉的花。 Forget her, like some forgotten flower

她已经忘记了你, She has forgotten you.

她什么都记不起; She remembers nothing;

忘掉她,像忘掉一朵花! Forget her, like some forgotten flower!

忘掉她,像一朵忘掉的花。 Forget her, like some forgotten flower

年华那朋友真好, Time is a true friend,

他明天就叫你老; Can age you over night.

忘掉她,像忘掉一朵花! Forget her, like some forgotten flower!

忘掉她,像一朵忘掉的花。 Forget her, like some forgotten flower

如果是有人要问, If someone should enquire,

就说没有那个人; Say such a person never was.

忘掉她,像忘掉一朵花! Forget her, like some forgotten flower!

忘掉她,像一朵忘掉的花。 Forget her, like some forgotten flower

像春风里一出梦, Dream in a spring breeze,

像梦里的一声钟, Chime in a dream.

忘掉她,像忘掉一朵花! Forget her, like some forgotten flower!



Let It Be Forgotten 忘掉它

Sara Teasdale (美)蒂丝黛尔

Let it be forgetton, as a flower is forgotten, 忘掉它,象忘掉一朵花,

Forgotten as a fire that once was sing gold. 象忘掉炼过黄金的火焰。

Let it be forgotten for ever and ever, 忘掉它,永远永远,时间是良友。

Time is a kind friend, he will make us old. 他会使我们变成老年。

If anyone asks, say it was forgotten, 如果有人问起,就说已忘记。

Long and long ago 在很早很早的往昔,

As a flower, as a fire, as a hushed footfall 象花,象火,象无声的脚印

In a long forgotten snow. 在早被遗忘的雪里。

——余光中 译
